2.2.19: LUND TOWN HALL [V]/[P]

2.2.19a [V]

Location: Ystad Konstmuseum, St Knuts Torg, 271 42 YSTAD

Location Visit: 20/06/2012

Datum Point: 55.428377,13.82447

Image Source/Information: BBC DVD; Ian S. Bolton

Notes: The Ystad Museum of Art and Tourist Office. Re-visit for correct angle.


Scene 34

Image 407.

©2012 Ian S. Bolton

Image 407a. I was without my photo-viewer this day, hence the wrong angle.

2.2.19b [P]

Location: Glemmingebro Civic Assembly Hall, Glemmingevägen 34, 270 21 GLEMMINGEBRO

Location Visit: 29/06/2015; 26/06/2017

Datum Point: 55.454762, 14.019677

Image Source/Info: BBC DVD; Ian S. Bolton

Notes: 2015: This is the local library and community hall. The building was open, but the hall in the basement was not accessible. There was no-one around to help either. Re-visit due.

Notes: 2017: Thanks to the very helpful librarian, Ylva Petersson, I was able to roam at will in the basement.


Scene 34

Image 408.

©2015 Ian S. Bolton

Image 408a.

Image 409.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 409a.

Image 410.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 410a.

Image 411.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 411a.


Image 412.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 412a.


Image 413.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 413a.

Image 414.

©2017 Ian S. Bolton

Image 414a.