World History Research Paper (Sandler & Higgins)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: April 30, 2012.

Finding Sources and Taking Effective Notes

Recommended Databases for Beginning Research

    • World History in Context (Gale)

    • Hundreds of the most important events, people, and topics in world history.

    • Modern World History Online (Facts on File)

    • World history from the mid-15th century to the present, with thousands of subject entries, biographies, images and videos, maps and charts, and primary sources.

Free EasyBib Trial

    • Students can sign up for a FREE trial to EasyBib School Edition that will last until the end of the school year.

    • Go to and click Register, then enter coupon code arlington2012 to get started. If you already have an account, you can upgrade to School Edition by clicking on Settings, then Coupon Codes.

    • Any questions, see Ms. Kitsis in the Media Center for help.

Tips and Tricks

Evaluating Websites

Use the following criteria to evaluate sources you find on the open web. It's as easy as ABC(A). Want more information? Use the Checklist for Evaluating Websites from the University of Maryland.


    • Who is the author or the person responsible for the page? Remember, anyone can create a website.

    • Is the author an expert in this field? How can you tell?

    • Is there a way to contact the author?

    • Is the website sponsored by a particular group or organization?


    • What is the purpose of the page? To teach? To sell? To persuade? To entertain? To complete a class assignment?

    • Is the site primarily subjective (opinionated), objective (factual), or mixed?


    • When was the site last updated?

    • Is the site well maintained, or are there a lot of broken links?


    • Where does the information come from?

    • Are there references or other works cited information?

    • Are there grammatical, spelling, or typographical errors?

    • Does the information conflict with things you know to be true?

Questions, comments, concerns? Email me at