Holocaust and World War II Research Project (Donohue)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: June 1, 2016.

Recommended Resources

Databases and Websites:

The database passwords are online and at the front desk.


Use the same passwords as databases. For Follett books, click the OPEN button.

Print Books:

    • Don't forget our ONLINE CATALOG for great REAL books, just like in your freshman library orientation. Ask the librarian for help, she loves this stuff.

Citing Sources

Remember to cite all sources you use, including photographs!

The databases provide citations that you can copy and paste directly into your works cited page. Our school subscription to EasyBib.com is another great tool.

Ask for help if you have any questions.

Project Timeline

Check with your teacher for any changes in the project timeline.

  • Coming soon!

We Can Do It

Questions, comments, concerns? Email me at skitsis@arlington.k12.ma.us.