Model Airplanes (Macuk)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: October 26, 2016.

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The Sky's the Limit!

Citing Sources & Academic Integrity

Why cite sources? In addition to avoiding the consequences of plagiarism and increasing your credibility, you are participating an ongoing scholarly conversation. It is important for your readers to be able to find your sources, so they can enter into the dialogue as well.

Remember, if you find a design online that you use or modify, you MUST cite it as a source. It's all part of the scientific process.

Your school subscription to EasyBib can help you format and track citations.

Source: Cloud Computing by JD Hancock under a Creative Commons license.

We recommend using your Spyponders account to access EasyBib so that your account will last all four years. If you do not have the blue "EDU" tag at the top of your screen you will need to enter a coupon code from the librarian.

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