Pre-Search Mapping

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: May 21, 2021.

Mini-Lesson: Pre-Search Mapping

Why take the time to do pre-search mapping?

  • Be more intentional in thinking about search terms/phrases

  • Build vocabulary about the topic

  • Create a more robust/helpful search with better results

  • Be mindful of exploring variety of resources

  • Learn enough background to ask meaningful questions

How do you do pre-search mapping?

  • Track search terms/phrases

  • Identify sources of information

  • Skim and scan 2-3 articles or resources per information source

  • Record terms, big ideas, concepts, do NOT take notes or focus on facts

  • See, think, and wonder with your group members

What will it look like?

  • Student exemplars

  • Sample pre-search strategy map made by a librarian colleague:

Source: Buffy Hamilton.

Remember, your goal is to learn vocabulary and big ideas about your topic while exploring potential resources before you start focusing questions, taking notes, etc.

Source: Pre-search mapping lesson adapted from Buffy Hamilton and Norcross High School librarians.

Questions, comments, concerns? Email me at