Researching Revolutions (Sandler)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: October 13, 2017.

Library Databases & Encyclopedia

Vetted sources and ready-to-go citations, what more can you ask for?

Country research:

Modern world history research:

Current issues research:

Real Live Actual Print Books

Many of the countries you are researching are also reflected in the library's print collection, including one of the books used in our orientation scavenger hunt!

Recommended Websites

These trusted sources are a good place to go for current country information.

Remember: View database and e-book passwords online (authorized users only) or get a bookmark or sticker from the circulation desk.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Take advantage of the research tools built into our databases, including ready-made citations!

Keyword Searching

You may need to try a few different search terms depending on your topic and database. For example, how are these searches similar and different?

    • Greece

    • Greece and Revolution

    • Greek Revolution

    • "Greek Revolution"

    • Greece History

    • Greek History

    • Greece 1820

Which do you think will be most successful?

Modern World History

Source: New Apartment by Emma Line under a Creative Commons license.

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