Progressive Era Research Thesis Paper (Konstandakis)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: October 19, 2011.

Facts on File Database Trial

We have a trial subscription to Facts on File databases until October 26th so be sure to print or save any articles you need for your paper before then. Let me know what you think!

Important: Before you can use any Facts on File databases, from school or at home, you must log on through this site using the password you received in class: Minimize this window, but leave it open while you work in the databases below.

  • American History Online

    • Spans more than 500 years of political, military, social, and cultural history, highlighting the important people and events of the American experience.

  • Issues & Controversies in American History

    • Builds a deeper understanding of how historical events have shaped our nation by exploring the key players and the battles they fought.

  • American Women's History Online

    • Covers the important people, events, legislation, and issues relevant to the study of women's history in the United States.

  • African-American History Online

    • Provides expansive and in-depth information on the people, events, and topics important to the study of African-American history.

Trouble logging in? Log in using THIS link before accessing the individual databases, using the password received in class:

Recommended Subscription Databases

  • U.S. History in Context

    • Authoritative content on hundreds of people, events, and topics in American history.

  • Biography in Context

    • Search for people in reference e-books and additional multimedia content.

  • Gale PowerSearch

    • This link will take you into ALL of the Gale databases we can access, allowing you to search several at one time. Hint: Make sure you browse different content types (e.g., books, academic journals) and limit your search by subject for efficient results! Use the tips at the right for even more targeted searching.

Recommended Websites

Books and e-Books

  • Minuteman Library Catalog

    • Set your library location to Arlington to view materials currently available at the Robbins Library.

  • Project Gutenberg

    • This site contains thousands of free e-books in the public domain. Tip: This includes books like The Shame of the Cities and The Souls of Black Folk.

  • Internet Archive

    • The Internet Archive also has free e-books in a variety of formats, including PDF and EPUB. Download directly to your mobile device!

Search Tips

Consider your topic carefully. How narrow or broad is the focus of your paper? For example, if your topic is the Anti-Immigration League, will you also write about nativism generally? If you are researching the book The Shame of the Cities, will you also write about muckraking generally? This can help you come up with new search terms.

Combine keywords to get articles that match each of your important concepts. For example, if you are researching the immigration history of Chinese Americans, use:

immigration AND Chinese

Use quotation marks to find complete phrases, especially proper names and titles. For example:

"Exclusion Act" or "Up From Slavery"

Use truncation. An advanced technique, but in most databases:

immigra* will find immigrant, immigrants, immigration, etc.

Check your spelling. If you don't find anything on your topic, sloppy spelling may be to blame!

Citing Sources & Academic Integrity

Thesis Paper Assignment & Rubric

    • Progressive Era Thesis Paper Assignment

  • Progressive Era Thesis Paper Rubric

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