Unity or Division Research Paper

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: March 23, 2017.

Recommended Sources

Note: Database passwords are available online and at the front desk.

Today's Plan

Why take the time to do pre-search mapping?

  • Be more intentional in thinking about search terms/phrases

  • Build vocabulary about the topic

  • Create a more robust/helpful search with better results

  • Be mindful of exploring variety of resources

What's the pre-search mapping process?

  • Track search terms/phrases

  • Identify sources of information

  • Skim and scan 2-3 articles or resources per information source

  • Record terms, big ideas, concepts, NOT take notes or focus on facts

  • See, think, and wonder with your partner

What will it look like?

  • Here's a sample pre-search strategy map from a library colleague:

Citing Sources & Academic Integrity

Why cite sources? In addition to avoiding the consequences of plagiarism and increasing your credibility, you are participating an ongoing scholarly conversation. It is important for your audience to be able to find your sources, so they can enter into the dialogue as well.

Your school subscription to EasyBib can help you format and track citations and the AHS Research Handbook can help with all stages of the research process.

Source: Buffy Hamilton.

  • More student examples

Class Resources

Remember, your goal is to learn vocabulary and big ideas about your topic before you start focusing questions, taking notes, etc.

  • Search mapping template

  • Search mapping sample

Source: Pre-search mapping lesson adapted from Buffy Hamilton and Norcross High School librarians.

Tip: Click on the All 59 options tab for help citing images.

Use your Spyponders account to access EasyBib so that your account will last all four years. If you do not have the blue tags saying PRO and EDU at the top of your screen you may need to get a coupon code from the librarian. Many of our databases now allow you to export citations directly into EasyBib. Wow!

Questions, comments, concerns? Email me at skitsis@arlington.k12.ma.us.