Glider Engineering (Fiust)

Created by Stacy Kitsis, Arlington High School Librarian. Last updated: January 30, 2014.

See the complete assignment sheet and view topic assignments online.

Recommended Resources for Getting Started

Passwords: The Gale databases use your geographic location for authorization, so do not require a password when used in Massachusetts. Other databases require a password. Get a bookmark from your friendly school librarian, or download the passwords from this website (authorized users only).

    • Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics (NASA)

    • This site from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has helpful diagrams and is a nice place to get started.

    • Science in Context (Gale)

    • Topics important in science today. Includes reference materials, magazines, journals, multimedia, websites, and more.

    • Science Online (Facts on File)

    • Covers all scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and more. Definitions, biographies, news, and experiments.


  • This forum for radio control enthusiasts comes highly recommended by our outside project consultant. Remember that posters are hobbyists and their authority must be assessed critically.

Search Strategies on the Web

Your strategies for searching on the open web are not the same as in a database. What's the difference? Why does it matter?

Your presentation should include the following:

    1. Definition of key terms (what vocabulary do we need to know to make sense of this topic, what pictures or diagrams would be helpful?)

    2. Explanation and analysis (what’s the science and engineering behind this topic, how does this stuff work?)

    3. Application to the problem (how do you think this information will help the team engineer a model plane, what does this tell you about your design or troubleshooting process?)

    4. Remaining questions (what do you still need to find out?)

    5. Citations (in MLA format, showing evidence of authoritative print and electronic resources, following instruction from the librarian)

Create a minimum of 5 slides in a PowerPoint or Google Presentation or other appropriate software of your choice and prepare a 5 minute presentation for your classmates. Be ready to ask and answer questions! Finally, we will post your presentations to a project website so that they can be used as reference materials as the challenge continues.

Challenge: Background Research & Team Briefing

Working in pairs, your task is to create and present a research briefing to the two model airplane teams on a topic in aeronautical engineering that will be important to your success in designing and building a functional glider airplane. It is your job to become the “expert” on this topic and its implications for your teammates.

Search Tips

Combine keywords and test synonyms to get results that match each of your important concepts. For example, do you care about all articles that mention air resistance or only those that discuss air resistance and gliders? Consider:

air resistance AND gliders

resistance OR drag

Use quotation marks to find complete phrases, especially proper names and titles. For example:

"air resistance" or "terminal velocity"

Search domains. When searching with Google, the site limiter will constrain your results to specific domains. For example:

airplane site:gov searches only .gov sites

airplane site:edu searches only .edu sites

Check your spelling. If you don't find anything on your topic, sloppy spelling may be to blame!

What other search tips have worked for you? Share them with the team and the librarian will add them to this site.

Citing Sources & Academic Integrity

Why cite sources? In addition to avoiding the severe consequences of plagiarism and increasing our own credibility, we are participating in part of an ongoing conversation. It is important for your readers to be able to find your sources, so they can enter into the dialogue as well.

For this assignment, consider using a free trial subscription to, available from now until the end of the school year.

Go to, click Register, and enter coupon code arlington2012 to get started.

Other resources for citation:

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