Basic Omelette

Source: Self Magazine,

adapted by There's Always Thyme to Cook

1/4 filling, maybe more

1 teaspoon butter

2 eggs

salt and pepper to taste

herbs (optional)

Prepare the filling. If you're using vegetables, sauté them first in a little bit of butter. If you are making a cheese omelette, slice the cheese very thin or grate it and put aside to prepare the eggs.

Crack the eggs into a small mixing bowl. Stir gently with a fork or a whisk until well-beaten. Add the salt and pepper, and any herbs and stir them with the eggs.

Heat an 8-inch omelette pan over medium-high heat and then add the butter, making sure it coats the bottom of the pan. As soon as the butter stops bubbling and sizzling (and before it starts to brown), slowly pour in the egg mixture. You can use high heat but I tend to burn things so I go slow, using medium-high. I like a thinner omelette, too, so I used a 10-inch skillet.

Tilt the pan to spread the egg mixture evenly. Let eggs firm up a little, and after about ten seconds shake the pan a bit and use a spatula to gently direct the mixture away from the sides and into the middle. Allow the remaining liquid to then flow into the space left at the sides of the pan.

Continue to cook for another minute or so until the egg mixture holds together. While the middle is still a little runny, add the filling. Put in sautéed vegetables or fruit first, near the center, then sprinkle any cheese on top.

Tilt the pan to one side and use the spatula to fold approximately one third of the omelette over the middle. Shake the pan gently to slide the omelette to the edge of the pan.

Holding the pan above the serving plate, tip it so the omelette rolls off, folding itself onto the plate. The two edges will be tucked underneath.