Honey Maple Pecan Pork Chops



In a small bowl, mix honey, maple syrup, soy sauce, chicken broth and pecans - set aside.

In a shallow dish mix flour and salt and pepper.  In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, melt butter.  Dredge pork chops in flour, shake off excess and place in skillet. Brown both sides and cook until pork chops are cooked through (*reaching a safe internal temp of  145 degrees f. with a 3-minute rest).  Once ready, move chops to a serving plate. 

Reduce heat to medium and add the honey-maple-pecan mixture to the butter drippings in the skillet.  Heat until hot, stirring continuously.  Once heated through, spoon mixture over pork chops and serve.  Enjoy!


*Head to Pork.org  for the USDA new temperature guidelines for pork

I did not pound my chops thin, I cooked them as is.