

Schoology plays a vital role in your child’s success as a student for ALL CLASSES. Both parents and student must have access to Schoology either on a tablet or mobile device, on a computer laptop/desktop at home, or through your local public library. Please note: If there are issues accessing the internet on a regular basis please speak directly with Mr. Cruz. Your situation is confidential.


To ensure you are well informed throughout the school year please take care of the following:

1.     Student mymail or lausd email is connected to Schoology

2.     An active parent email address is linked to child’s Schoology account. Parents, please avoid creating or using temporary email accounts or email accounts specifically for your child's education.

If there is a concern about a grade or how to improve your overall grade, please speak with Mr. Cruz. With Schoology access and its features, Mr. Cruz will not be giving reminders about missing assignments or work.

Again: If there are issues accessing the internet on a regular basis, please speak directly with Mr. Cruz in private. 

Assignments on Schoology (Classwork, Homework, Tests)

Most assignments will be marked missing as soon as the assignment is posted on schoology. Marking assignments missing immediately shows you your actual and current overall grade if the assignment were not to be completed. 

In the past, students would log in to Schoology, see that they have an A (or the grade they are comfortable with), and sign out assuming there are no new tasks or assignments. Schoology does not show your current grade when assignments are late and or ungraded. As a means to ensure students complete work and to reflect the most current grade at all times, most assignments will be marked missing as soon as the assignments and tasks are posted on schoology.

If there is an issue submitting an assignment online because it is marked missing, it is your responsibility to notify and email Mr. Cruz.