List of Excusable and Unexcusable Reasons for Missing a Concert

Concert and Performance Attendance

Your attendance and presence to perform for concerts whether on campus, off campus, a competition or, a festival is very important. During the day of a concert, your peers will rely and count on you to be present for the performance. 

Concerts are mandatory and they are public displays and publications of your learning. The live concert is the most authentic assessment of your learning and music making experience as a group or individual.

Anxiety and nervousness are feelings all performers face when performing for a concert. However these are not reasons to miss the concert. 

List of Excusable Reasons for Missing the Concert - These concerts can be made up.

List of UNEXCUSED Reasons for Missing the Concert - You cannot make up a concert if your reason is unexcused

If you have other reasons for missing the concert - notify Mr. Cruz immediately to check if your absence will be unexcused or excused. 

***Any situation requiring proof of a doctor's note is always confidential and never shared.