
The April 28th Meeting was held at the Bella Vista Community Church

Program: Denise Klinger spoke on "Bluebird Habitat/Native Plants"

Judy Jeffrey conducted a short business meeting.

Pat Meyer and Dory Hammeke were elected President and Vice President.

A vote decided that the Spring Trip will be to the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks and raffle prizes were awarded.

Tony LiCausi provided One on One Gardening Info immediately after the meeting.

The March 24th Meeting was held on Zoom

Program: Bella Vista Fire Chief, Steve Sims, spoke on "Fire Safety in Bella Vista."

Tony LiCausi provided information on Organic Bed Preparation.

Not enough members were present for voting so that was postponed until the April meeting.

The February 24th Meeting was held on Zoom

The speaker was Cody Gilstrap, owner of River Rock Water Gardens. He gave an informative PowerPoint presentation showing a variety of water features his company has built and mentioned that he also refurbishes existing water features. Prizes were given to 3 lucky winners.

Tony LiCausi answered some questions mainly about the effects of the recent freezing weather on plants and when to prune various plants.

The Slate Officers for this upcoming term was announced - Pat Meyer, President and Dory Hammeke, Vice President. The vote will be held at the March meeting.

The January 27th Zoom Meeting

David Raines, owner of Rains Tree Care, provided a lot of good information by answering questions directly from Garden Club members or through the chat feature.

Tony LiCausi informed Club members about the proper way to plant a tree..."The hole should be wide not deep".

The November 4th Meeting

The meeting was held at Kingsdale Pavilion which is next to the Riordan pool. The speaker was Rich and Kathy Hemming from the Simplicity Lavender Farm. They brought products to sell so members enjoyed doing some early holiday shopping. Tony LiCausi talked about the last 'Bella Vista Daffodil' sale. Raffle tickets from Ways and Means were sold and 4 members were happy winners. Masks and social distancing were required and only 3 people at a table.

September 23, 2020 Meeting

The meeting will be held outside at the Kingsdale Pavilion in the Kingsdale Park in Bella Vista.

The meeting was very strange because masks and social distancing were required.

Many awards were given out. The Image Carousel shows them. A full list of Awards can be seen on the Awards page in the Activities Section of this website. The yearbook was dedicated to the Plant Sale committee who raised enough money so that the Garden Club will be able to go forward with its Scholarship awards.

Posted 9/23/2020