November TV Program is Now Available on Youtube

Post date: Nov 10, 2018 2:37:17 AM

The November 2018 program is hosted by JB Portillo, a fellow member of the Bella Vista Garden Club, President of the Benton County Master Gardeners and a NWA Master Naturalist and her guests are fellow members of the Bella Vista Garden Club; Marion Heath and Melissa Stratton, who is also a fellow Master Gardener. The topic of the program is Three Sisters and Blue Corn which is a planting combination that has been used for centuries that includes corn, beans and squash. These three vegetables provide a complete dietary meal that provides all the nutrients needed for good health. Corn provides a support for the bean plants and the squash spreads to form a green mulch to discourage weeds and preserve moisture. Directions for planting this small garden is provided and can be also be planted in a container for those who do not have a garden area available.

To see the video - CLICK HERE