September 27th Meeting

Post date: Oct 2, 2017 12:00:52 AM

Program: Judy Jeffrey introduced the Scholarship Recipients - Georgina Carrico (top left) and Jordan Slater (top right). Georgina hopes to go into vineyards and wine making while Jordan is interested in native plants and sustainability. Both expressed their appreciation for the scholarships.

Artistic Design: Char Brunge (bottom left) and Geri Hoerner discussed "Basing and Terracing" techniques in flower arranging.

Horticulture: Tony LiCausi (bottom right) talked about "Planting Bulbs".

Be sure to call Lou Jasper with all your gardening questions. They will be answered at the next meeting and a handout on "Putting Your Garden to Rest" will be provided.

Fall Themed Raffle Items Got a lot of attention.

Hostesses: Cathy Downard and Millie Aaron organized a terrific lunch of quiche and salad with fruit and cookies.