
Peer Tutor (23960)

Grade: 10,11,12

Length: Semester

Credit: Elective

Description:  This class is an opportunity for all students. It helps the students with severe disabilities to have access to and be successful in general education classes with their peers without disabilities. With guidance and support from a peer tutor they are able to complete assignments in classes that would otherwise be beyond their capabilities. Peer tutoring helps the students build relationships, which builds communication and social skills. In the general education classroom, the peer tutor sits beside the student, keeps he/she focused on the tasks at hand, explains assignments, reads for the student if the student is unable to read well enough to complete what needs to be done, and monitors the student as he/she completes the task. Peer tutors will learn: how to engage with learners of all abilities, a variety of different methods of communication and teaching/learning styles, how to work as part of a team, and how to be flexible and think quickly on your feet. 

Release Time - NO credit


Grade: 10,11,12

Length: Year

Credit: No credit

Comments:  Year-long off campus religious based study.