Health SCience
Grade: 10,11,12
Length: Year
Credit: Health 0.5 & CTE 0.5
Fee: $10
Description: This class will explore health and medical careers in addition to the study of body systems, human anatomy and health. Class enrollment recommended for 10th graders. Must complete full year class to receive health credit.
medical anatomy & physiology/ HTHS 1104 (47380)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Year
Credit: WSU HTHS 1104 3 credits (3rd year science)
Fee: $10 and CE tuition
Comments: Intro Health Science or Biology completion recommended
Description: Course looks at anatomy and physiology with a medical emphasis. Successful completion of Intro to Health Science or Biology recommended before enrollment.
RHS 2300/ emergency medical response (47270)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Semester
Credit: CTE WSU RHS 2300 3 credits
Fee: $10 plus mask, WSU CE fee
Description: This course follows American Red Cross standards for professional rescuers. Students can earn CPR and emergency medical response certificates. Hands on skills class.
RHS 2175/ Exercise science sports medicine (47350)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Year
Credit: CTE WSU RHS 2175 3 credits
Fee: $10, WSU CE fees
Comments: Recommended completion of Intro to Health Science or MAP
Description: Course studies sports medicine issues. Injury prevention, injury management, and performance enhancement are covered.
HTHS 1101/ medical terminology (47360)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Semester
Credit: CTE WSU HTHS 1101 2 credits
Fee: WSU CE fee
Comments: WSU credit 11,12
Description: Study of language of medicine (word roots, prefixes, suffixes) May earn 2 semester hours WSU credit. Intro Health Science or Biology completion recommended
certified nurse assistant (47315)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Semester (2-hr block)
Credit: CTE
Fee: $10 class fee and $90 testing fee
Comments: Recommended completion of Medical Terminology & MAP. Student must be 16 years old the first day of class.
Description: Course that provides training for the state certification of CNA’s. Clinicals in local health care facilities. Course completion required to apply for Nursing school. Hands on learning and daily labs.
medical forensics (47487)
Grade: 11,12
Length: Year
Credit: CTE or 3rd year science
Fee: $10
Comments: Recommended completion of Biology
Description: This course will introduce you to how to apply medical science to the law regarding the human body. You will learn to investigate crime scenes and how DNA, toxicology, fingerprints, blood spatter, trace evidence, bones, and other evidence can all lead you to figure out what happened at the crime scene and who committed the crime. If you watch crime shows, this class is for you.
HTHS 1110&1111/ Anaymony & physiology (47480 & 47482)
Advanced Anatomy and Physiology
Length: Year (2 periods)
Credit: CTE or 3rd year Science WSU HTHS 1110 4 credits & WSU HTHS 1111 4 credits
Fee: WSU CE fee
Comments: WSU credit Completion of MAP strongly recommended
Description: This full-year course earns college credit from Weber State University. 8 Concurrent Credits available through WSU (4 credits for Health Science 1110 1st Semester & 4 credits for Health Science 1111 for 2nd semester) Fulfills WSU Life Sciences Requirement Prerequisite Anatomy and Physiology for all Allied Health Professions. Class is taught one period every day. This course teaches the fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology that are required for further studies in nursing , allied health, and related disciplines. It is delivered as an integrated approach to the basic concepts of physics, chemistry, human anatomy, human physiology and medical microbiology as related to humans. It fulfills the Weber State University Biomedical Core requirements for all Allied Health Profession. Earns 2.0 CTE credit