
biology: agricultural science and technology (72317)

Grade: 10,11,12

Length: Year

Credit: Science, CTE

Fee: $10

Comments: Core Science Credit

Description: Explore basic biology concepts through an agricultural lens. Instruction is supplemented with hands-on labs, experiments and activities. This biology class is for students who plan for a career in an agriculture related field. This course counts as 10th science.  All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

animal science (84217)

Grade: 11,12

Length:  Year

Credit:  CTE or Science

Fee:  $10

Comments:  3rd year science  Must complete Bio/Bio Ag before enrolling

Description:  Students will be exposed to animal science and technology principles which include genetics, anatomy, physiology/nutrition, diseases, pests, and management practices. Materials are supplemented with hands on labs, live animal practices and field trips. Career opportunities and educational preparation are examined. This course is recommended for any students that have an interest in agricultural careers, the fields of medicine or a general interest in animal care.  All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

natural science resources (84227)

Grade: 11,12

Length: Year

Credit:  CTE or Science

Fee:  $10

Comments:  3rd year science credit

Description:  Natural Resources is a hands on course that covers management of the resources that the earth provides. We cover topics such as wildlife, plants, soils, water, sun, waste management, etc and how our use affects them. Material is supplemented with activities, labs, games and field trips. This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in agriculturally based careers or who have a love of the outdoors. All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

plant & soil science (84216)

Grade:  11,12

Length:  Year

Credit:  CTE, Science  

Fee:  $10

Comments:   3rd year science credit, strongly encouraged to complete Biology or Bio Ag before enrolling

Description:   Plants are an essential part of our lives in many ways. This in-depth course provides a chance for students to explore the science behind growing and caring for plants. Students will learn principles of horticulture through hands-on learning experiences. Students will also have the opportunity to grow and maintain a variety of plants in the greenhouse throughout this year-long course. We will explore soils, plant anatomy and physiology, landscaping principles, greenhouse management, and career opportunities in the horticulture industry. Half of our time will be spent in the greenhouse.  All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

vet assistant (84236)

Grade:  11,12

Length:  Year

Credit: CTE or Science

Fee:  $10

Comments:  Animal Science is recommended before taking Vet Assisting, but not required.

Description:  Vet Assisting is a hands-on course that covers numerous avenues of the veterinary profession. Topics that will be covered may include medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, health management and disease. Topics will be supplemented with activities, labs, field trips, and hands-on experiences. This course is high recommended for anyone interested in animals or the medical field of animals. All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

agricultural communications (84050 & 84051)

Grade:  12

Length: Year

Credit:  CTE or ENG 12

Fee: $10


Description:  Agricultural Communication students get real life experience of effective communication. Topics that are covered include oral communication, written communication, listening skills, reading skills, and mechanics in English. Topics will be supplemented with activities, labs, hands on experiences, and field trips. This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning how to gain new skills revolving around communicating and refining old skills you already have based on these topics.   All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

floriculture  (84326)

Grade:  11,12

Length:  Semester

Credit:  CTE

Fee:  $10

Comments:  Must complete Plant Science before enrolling

Description:  Floriculture students will explore the Elements and Principles of Design using live flowers. Students have the opportunity to learn floral skills such as taping, wiring, flower identification and bow tying. Day to day class is a mixture of instruction and hands-on learning designing flower arrangements such as boutonnieres, corsages, and table centerpieces. Students also get to participate in the Weber Floral of the Month club which is a school business creating and delivering flowers to teachers and staff.   All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.


greenhouse management (84328)

Grade:  11,12

Length:  Semester

Credit:  CTE


Comments:  Must complete Plant & Soil Science before enrolling

Description:  Greenhouse students get real life and hands on experience learning and working in the school's greenhouse. Students have the opportunity to spend most days in the greenhouse learning essential plant skills such as seed sowing, transplanting, watering, and designing hanging baskets. Students learn about greenhouse operations and gain experience for a future career. Plants grown in the greenhouse are sold at our annual spring plant sale.  All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.

equine science & technology A (84237)

Grade:  10,11,12

Length:  Semester

Credit:  CTE

Fee:  $10


Description: Equine science students spend class time learning about horses. Multiple topics are covered including history of the horse, types of breeds, nutrition, disease and  multiple uses for horses. Students have the opportunity for hands-on learning with horses and field trips to local trainers and farms.  All Students enrolled in this class will be enrolled in FFA.