1.   Proper registration is important. It is the responsibility of the student and parent(s) to check credits for graduation, post high school requirements, and NCAA Eligibility.  Counselors and administrators are available for consultation.


2.   Each student should have three goals in mind when registering for classes:

(a)  Preparing for post high school (b) Developing life skills (c) Filling core requirements


3.   Counselors will work with students and parents to develop a Plan for College/Career Readiness (CCR) to assist students in meeting individual needs for graduation, career goals and post high school education.


4.   Each student must register for a full eight period schedule for both semesters. They should select classes carefully. After registration, changes must be approved through the CCR process.  A $10.00 fee will be assessed.  Students should select 1 full year alternate and 2 semester alternates.


5.   Some classes listed in this course guide may not be offered if minimum enrollment requirements are not met.


6.   Students who desire to take religious instruction (Released Time) may do so on a non-credit basis.  This course is off campus.  Students must leave campus to participate in this program.  


7.   Concurrent, AP, and Early College enrollments allow students the opportunity to take college-level courses and receive credit which applies to both high school and college.  Utah System of Higher Education Rule 165-5.2 states:  “USHE institutions and local schools shall jointly establish student eligibility requirements.  To predict a successful experience, these requirements may include, among others:  5.2.1. Junior or senior standing, sophomores by exception.”  In selected courses, the university that offers the course of CE credit will determine if a 10th grade student may register for the CE class.  Student will be responsible for purchase of required books/outlines and recommended supplies for class.  Students must be admitted and pay the admission fee to the university prior to registering for a concurrent class.  The student must pay $5.00 per credit hour registration fee to the university for each concurrent class for which they are registered.  College credit for concurrent enrollment is NOT guaranteed from year to year because the awarding universities determine which courses and instructors qualify.  Refer to course descriptions for possible concurrent credit offerings.   


8.   Foreign language through level II is strongly recommended by the four year universities.  Some require it. Students should check with the college of their choice to determine foreign language requirements.


9.   Students desiring early graduation should declare their intent to their counselor as soon as possible to provide adequate planning time through the CCR process.


10. Seniors who have successfully completed 2.0 credits in their identified Pathway may be eligible for an Internship or Work-Based 

Learning Program.  Student should meet with their counselor for additional information.  Completion of the Critical Workplace Skills curriculum packet is required.       



Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibit discrimination in federally funded programs on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex and disability.  All vocational opportunities are offered without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.  The individual with Disabilities Education Act requires the District to find and serve qualified students with disabilities residing in the District.  More information on each law is also posted at the District Office.


Melissa Powell, CTE Director                                    Jennifer Warren, Student Services Director 

Weber High School                                                    Weber School District

430 W. Weber High Drive                  or                    5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

Ogden, UT  84414                                                      Ogden, UT  84405

801-476-3716                                                              801-476-7811



Weber School District complies with Title IX regulations:  “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.  Problems should be referred to the school administration.”


Any grievance regarding the above statements should be directed to:


Melissa Powell, CTE Director                                    Jennifer Warren, Student Services Director

Weber High School                                                    Weber School District

430 W. Weber High Drive                  or                    5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

Ogden, UT  84414                                                       Ogden, UT  84405

801-476-3716                                                              801-476-7811




The Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. Weber School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.  More information on each law is available by contacting the person (s) below:  

Melissa Powell, CTE Coordinator                            Jennifer Warren, Student Services Director 

 Weber High School                                                  Weber School District

 430 W. Weber High Drive                or                   5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

 Ogden, UT 84414                                                     Ogden, UT 84405

 801-476-3716                                                            801-476-7811