Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning During the Summer 6/15/2020

Suggested activities can be repeated and you can choose what to enjoy at any time during the week.

I hope you enjoy them!

Activities to Choose From For All Grades

Toot and Puddle This sweet story is about two characters who have different ideas about what is fun. Puddle loves to stay at home and Toot loves to travel. Despite their differences, they remain good friends and stay in touch while Toot travels and Puddle enjoys their home. It is a story about enduring friendships despite our different interests. And, what's most important is they stayed in touch although they were apart. Ask your child about times when a dear friend wanted to do a different activity. How did they agree to solve the problem and remain friends?

Oh The Places You'll Go! With Michelle Obama "You have the power to do and become anything you want! You just have to keep trying. " Enjoy this inspiring message written by Dr. Suess and share with each other where you each want to go!

Post Card Template Write a postcard to a friend. Draw a picture of your favorite summer activities. Stay in touch like Toot and Puddle!

Daily Mindfulness Activity

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed (if you wish.) Breathe slowly, in and out.

As you breathe, say these words:

May I be peaceful.

May I be happy.

May I be healthy and strong.

Breathe slowly, in and out.

Now, think of someone who helped you today.

Hold that person in your thoughts and say these words:

May you be peaceful.

May you be happy.

May you be healthy and strong.

Breathe slowly, in and out.

Print out Kelso's Problem Solving Wheel and use to help when problems come up! Sit down together when everyone is calm and think of other ways to solve problems. Can you make your own wheel? Keep a problem solving journal? Are there other ways you might display options to navigate the rough patches that come up?

Summer Field Trip! Live Animal Cams at the San Diego Zoo

Yoga With Animals For Kids Family friendly exercise and calming activities. Try not to laugh!

Yoga With Animals For Kids
