Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning During School Closure 5.11.2020

Suggested activities can be repeated and you can choose what to enjoy at any time during the week.

I hope you enjoy them!

Activities to Choose From For All Grades

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Using Kind Words Home School Psychologist - Use Kind Words

Have your child use the How Are You Feeling chart below to help practice your "I messages." For example, "I feel sunny right now because I finished my work. I want to play for a little while."

Have your child learn the words and sing along with the song! (You can turn on transcripts to see the lyrics.)

Watch Be Polite and Kind

Be a social spy! Have your child put a check mark on a Post It note every time someone uses kinds words like, "please, thank you, good work, I'm sorry or excuse me!" Your child can give themselves two check marks when they use a kind word-double points! Let me know how many check marks they can get in a day?

Talk with your child about the concept of gratitude and the many ways people can show gratitude throughout the day. For example, thank a helper in the community, thank a family member for making dinner and otherwise take a moment to observe the goodness around you. Dr. Chris Willard on Gratitude

Mindfulness: Watch Wendy O'Leary - Self Compassion

This is a calming video tutorial. You may wish to watch with your child and highlight the important details. Help your child make connections with the content. Such as, "In what way do we care for others in our family? How do we care for ourselves? How is staying home showing care for people in our community?"

Fun Activity: How Can I Be Kind Today? Have your child write or draw one action they can do to show kindness and respect toward themselves and others in a heart or two! Hang on your refrigerator or on the bathroom mirror as a reminder for every day. (Remind your child about the LOOP Pledge! "We pledge that each and every day we will respect learning, we will respect ourselves, we will respect others and we will respect property.")

Mindfulness Exercise: Listen to "My Brain" and sing along My Brain

Have your child learn the lyrics and think about how the words help understand how our brains work.

How are you feeling?

Use this chart (see link below) to help describe how you are feeling and from that create an "I message". (e.g., "I feel....when...because...I want..."

How Are You Feeling chart
