Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning During School Closure 5.18.2020

Suggested activities can be repeated and you can choose what to enjoy at any time during the week.

I hope you enjoy them!

Activities to Choose From For All Grades

Mindfulness Exercise Practice the Compassion Hug. Sit in a comfortable position with both feet on the floor; stretch your arms out to the side and take a deep breath in; when blowing out the breath, wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug; pat yourself on the back; quietly say kind and encouraging words to yourself and repeat two more times.

Visit Zen Den - Fairy Floss Yoga (25 minutes)

Fun and engaging mindfulness and calming exercise with Jamie! Enjoy!

Watch "Following the Rules" The Home School Psychologist - Rules

Rules are to help us stay safe, help us learn as well as to help us make and keep friends. Talk about the most important rules in your family. Have your child write and/or draw about the rule(s) he/she thinks are most important. Ask your child why he/she feels each rule is important. (If they are not able to articulate why, that is OK! You can tell them or provide sentence starters or multiple choice questions.)

Connections with last week's theme Ask your child, "How are acts of kindness or using kind words like following rules? and How does the LOOP Pledge remind us about the rules?"

Have your child learn the words and sing along with the song! (You can turn on transcripts to see the lyrics.)

Watch Bear Says Thanks

"All alone in his cave, Bear listens to the wind. He is bored, bored, bored...and he misses his friends." This is a story about feeling grateful for the company and kindness of others. Feel free to make connections with the story. What feelings to we share with the main character, Bear?

*Use an "I message" to share feelings with each other (parents, please feel free to model and offer sentence starters, "I feel...when...because...I want..."

*You may also offer multiple choice (e.g., "Are you feeling bored or thankful like Bear?")

*Feel free to use the How Are You Feeling weather chart to help if your child has difficulty labeling feelings.

Talk with your child about the concept of gratitude and the many ways people can show gratitude throughout the day. For example, thank a helper in the community, thank a family member for making dinner and otherwise take a moment to observe the goodness around you. Dr. Chris Willard on Gratitude

Watch Grandfather Tang's Story from an interpersonal perspective. This is a story about how friends can sometimes hurt each other, even when they think they are playing. You can ask your child, "What was the problem in the story and how did Chou and Wu Ling fix it?" You can also talk about how did Little Soo and Grandfather Tang. showed kindness toward each other. Make a connection with the ways that your family members show care for one another and gratitude.

Thought Bubble Should I say it or just think it? Use the chart below to help your child think before saying or doing something that might hurt others (even if by accident!)

Thought Bubble Chart

Thought Bubble Chart

How are you feeling?

Use this chart (see link below) to help describe how you are feeling and from that create an "I message". (e.g., "I feel....when...because...I want..."

How Are You Feeling chart
