Social Emotional Learning


Suggested activities can be repeated and you can choose what to enjoy at any time during the week.

I hope you enjoy them!

Book Club

My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss In this favorite title, Dr. Seuss uses colors to help us describe and label feelings. (Click on the "CC" for closed caption and your child can read along!) While the colors do not necessarily match up with the Emotional Thermometer, this is another tool to help your child convey how they are feeling and can be especially helpful when they can't find the words.

50 Coping Tools For Kids is a wonderful reference when emotions run high. Print and hang on your refrigerator. Talk in advance of a difficult moment how this tool might be used to help navigate the situation. Model using the tools for your child (even if only pretend!)


Mindfulness exercises can be done at any time! I generally guide the students in the beginning and at the end of each lesson. These brain based exercises can help bodies and brains remain calm and focused. This year's series of mindfulness exercises largely came from a collection titled "Little Renegades."

We've practiced "Fox Ears" and "Mindful Owl". This month we will be practicing "Bear Breaths." Enjoy!

Bear Breaths

Take a big breath in, and when you exhale, growl and let your big bear roar out!

Making Holidays Mindful

The holidays are often busy and joyful but they can also bring a whole host of emotions from excitement to fear; from joy to disappointment. Now as a result of COVID-19 and the restrictions it has brought, we may be looking at celebrating holidays in a very different way. Here are some tips from the Mindful magazine to help us all navigate this time.

Mindful Holidays

Recreational SEL

Candy Cane Oobleck! Here is a recipe for holiday scented Oobleck! Sensory play or science! Did you know that Oobleck is both a solid and a liquid? Check it out!

Special Inspiration Poster Published by Teach Tolerance

"Each of us has a magic inside of us...." Feel free to print this inspiring quote written by Marley Dias a "precocious 14 year old who started #100blackgirlbooks and is the author of "Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You!" as a reminder of the potential within us all.

Each of Us Has a Magic Inspiration Poster by Marley Dias