CTE Pathways

Business Academy Offerings

Technology Academy Offerings

Work Based Learning Opportunities

Coordinator - Allie Wiegand

Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP) CEIP 0634 – 1 CREDIT CEIP 0635 – 1/2 CREDIT

  • 108 hours of volunteer work in the building or the community qualifies for 1 credit.

  • 54 hours of volunteer work in the building or the community qualifies for 1/2 credit.

  • Apply now and receive credit for volunteering!

General Education Work Experience (GEWE) GEWE 0631 – 1 CREDIT (For any student who is NOT working toward a 5-unit sequence) GEWE 0655 – 1/2 CREDIT

  • 300 hours of on-the-books, paid work qualifies for 1 credit.

  • 150 hours of on-the-books, paid work qualifies for 1/2 credit.

  • Apply now and receive credit for working!

  • ** PLEASE NOTE: A student can receive only 1 credit for CEIP AND 1 credit for GEWE or COOP throughout the whole high school experience for a total of two credits in the Work-Based Learning Program. A Student may be simultaneously enrolled in CEIP and GEWE or COOP for a full credit for each in the same school year as long as it is 2 different jobs. (If it is only 1 job, they may receive 1⁄2 credit in a given school year for CEIP one semester and 1⁄2 credit for GEWE the next semester.)

Cooperative Work Experience (COOP) COOP 0625 – 1 Credit (For any student who is working toward a 5-unit CTE Sequence)

  • 300 hours of on-the-books, paid work qualifies the student for 1 credit.

  • 150 hours of on-the-books, paid work qualifies the student for 1⁄2 credit.