Term Three

Recount Writing

Recount Writing

LI: write about our experiences in the long weekend (Queen Memorial Day)

Your writing must include: three paragraphs, speech marks, how you felt

Make a copy of this doc here

Debate Writing

LI: share our thoughts and try to persuade others to agree with them

Remember you need at least three ideas about the topic. Then you must elaborate (give more details, ideas and sometimes examples) on those ideas.

Sentence Starters: In my opinion...

I strongly believe that...

I agree/ disagree that...

View an example of a school debate here

Speeches Writing

LI: write a factual speech on a topic of DISCOVER

Remember you had to have three ideas about the topic. Then you elaborate (give more details, ideas and sometimes examples) on those ideas.


Make a copy of the rubric and file it into your LAV Writing folder. Use your writing to mark your rubric. Copy your writing onto your blog and include the rubric.

Narrative Writing

LI: narrate a story about a boy in a library and he hears a noise

Remember to think carefully about your ideas. Plan your writing. Make a copy of the doc HERE and file it.

Make a copy of the rubric and file it into your LAV Writing folder. Use your writing to mark your rubric. Copy your writing onto your blog and include the rubric.

Explanation Writing

LI: explain how or why an idea happens

Watch the video and write out the key words and ideas. Use them to rewrite your own explanation to show your understanding.

Chewing gum video

Explanation Writing

Recount Writing

LI: use paragraphs to organise my ideas

Write a recount about our NZ Warriors Assembly. Remember to use an example of "Speech Marks" to show dialogue.

Organise your ideas carefully.

Rehu Tai Speech Writing

LI: write a "well-thought" speech about a topic that interests me and others

Click on the link here to make a copy.

File it in Lav Writing