17 Literacy

The Memory Bank

LI: Use the text to help support our answers

p.10 What kind of store do you think “The Memory Bank” is

p.11 What do you think the note “Keep the memory notes safe” mean

p.12 Explain what a Memory Bank is

What did the banker think of Anu?

p.13 List all the people that came into the bank with their notes in order (3)

What did Anu think about Angela’s note?

p.14 Predict what might happen next now that the door was opened

p.15 What happened to everyone that came into the bank?

p.16 What was the most important thing of all?

When will Anu be back?

The Ants and the Grasshopper

LI: Use the text to help support our answers

p.2-3 List all the excuses the other insects had for not preparing for winter

p.4 bedraggled

Should the ants let the grasshopper in? Explain your reason

p.5 List the three reasons why the ants let the grasshopper in

p.6 Why did the ants look at each other with disapproval?

p.7 What was the unexpected that grasshopper had announced?

What was the lesson that the grasshopper learned from the ants?