20 Literacy

Tom's Tryathlon

LI: Use the text to support our answers

p.2-3 What are the three contests in a triathlon?

What is the Tryathlon about?

p.4-5 What distance does he have to cycle, swimming and run? How many laps does that equate to around the track?

p.6-7 One of his reasons to take part in the triathlon was to get a medal, can you infer why else he took part in the triathlon?

p.8-9 Why was Tom nervous when he saw the pool? What helped him overcome his nerves?

p.10-11 What is a transition are? Explain what grinning is

p.12-13 What is a marshal's job?

p.14-15 What helps Tom to cross over the finish line?

p.16 What is Tom going to do with his medal?

Olly's New Bike

LI: Use the text to support our answers

p.2 How did Olly feel about the bike mum bought? Explain your answers

p.3 Why was Olly upset and crying?

p.4 Why did Mohamed want to fix Olly’s bike?

Why did Paula refuse Mohamed’s offer?

p.5 What is Olly going to help Korfa with?

p.6 Why wasn’t Olly sure about the food at first? Inference

p.7 How did Olly feel about his new bike now? Explain

Followup: Use Google Draw to recreate and draw a new bike