Term One

Learner Led Inquiry Reflection

LI: teach/ show other children about an idea we have

Task: Read through the questions on the doc. Write your answers only in your Inquiry books

Learner Led Inquiry Reflection

Accessible Places

LI: Identify places that are accessible and understand why not all places can be accessed

Task: Look through the slides and discuss with a buddy if you can access these places and why or why not and for what reason

Te Manurewa o Tamapahore

LI: understand the story of our area

Open up this doc and write your answers into your Inquiry book

The legend of Te Manurewa o Tamapahore.pdf
States of Matter


We have taken some ideas and experiments from ScienceKids to learn more about Science and why things/ changes happen to objects.

Watch this space for photos/ videos of our class.


In the presentation I have shared with you, find your group slide and insert/ write in your recipe/ lesson/ tutorial that you will share with others. This is due by Thursday 31 March.

Do not edit any other groups slide but your own please!

T1 Learner Led Inquiry
2022 Weekly Overview LIs


Each week we are given a learning goal to achieve and think about. These are explained in the slides and there are tasks for each week.