Ernest Rutherford

Farming Fish

LI: find proof in the text

p.44 How do the people of Togori get food? What do you think they eat if they don’t catch fish?

p.45 What was Uncle Isaiah’s idea and how was he going to make it work?

p.46 Why did they do their work in the morning or evening?

p.47 What did he do to feed the fish and help the fish thrive?

p.48 Was this a good idea? Explain your answer

The Plastic Free Challenge

LI: find proof

p.2-3 What are statistics? How big the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

p.4 Explain what the Plastic-free challenge is

p.5 How did they get the rest of the school to follow what they were doing?

p.6 What did they do with all the plastic they collected?

p.7 Why was it a big project?

p.8 What does “sustainable” mean?

p.9 How is this a good idea? Explain

The Way to Play

LI: make inferences

p.8 Why did Ms Mapasua tell the children to stand in the favourite spots in the playground?

p.9 What game did Tama like to play with his friends at lunchtime? What did Mathusha and her friends do on the playground?

What do you think needs changing on their playground?

p.10 What happened when they discussed what they didn’t like about the playground?

p.11 How did Ms Mapasua deal with the disagreement in the classroom?

What does Ms Mapasua mean by “Different points of view make life interesting?”

p.12 Explain if Ms Mapasua’s secret instructions were a good idea

p.13 What did everyone draw on their new playground design?

Sea Science

LI: find proof/ does the author agree or disagree?

p.17 Aotea Great Barrier Island

p.18 What is Marine Debris?

How do scientists predict how much plastic is in the ocean?

What is the Great Pacific Garden Patch?

p.19 List the dangers of debris (4 ideas)

What happens to marine animals that accidentally eat these plastics?

p.20 What did the students from Te Kura o Okiwi and Mulberry Grove School investigate?

p.21 What did the children do once they collected the debris along the beaches and bays?

Why did they use compasses?

p.22 What are 3 interesting facts you found out about the results? Three different schools? Which school found the most and where?

p.23 What did the students do once they finished their investigation?

p.24 Communication to action

W1: Trees, Seas and Soil

LI: Find proof in the text to support our answers

Does the author agree or disagree?

p.10 Explain what a “carbon sink” is

p.11 Why is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas?

What are atoms?

What does the author mean by “the number of carbon atoms is finite?”

p.12 Explain the carbon cycle

p.13 Breathing forests

When do plants absorb more carbon dioxide?

photosynthesis, biodiversity

What is one complicating factor?

p.14 Oceans of carbon

How is the ocean a carbon sink?

What is one complicating factor?

p.15 Buried Treasure

How is soil a carbon sink?

Explain decomposition

What does soil with lots of humus do?

What is one complicating factor?

p.16 What can we do to improve the carbon sinks?

p.17 What can we do to help?
