Term Four

Cultural Comparison

LI: think about and compare one culture to my own

Use Safe Search links to find facts about one culture and compare it to your own

What is the same? (write these ideas in the middle) What is different? (goes under each side of the circle

Make a copy and file it into your LAV Inquiry folder


LI: think about our ideas and what we want to find out

What do you know about Japan?

What do you want to find out?

What questions are you going to ask?

Click here to make a copy and file it into your Inquiry folder


LI: find interesting facts about one culture and compare it to another

Click on the link here and make a copy

Fill in the first page and search facts on Aotearoa, New Zealand

Niue Language Week

LI: share some knowledge of Niue Language

The theme for Niue Language Week 2022 - Fakatūleva e Vagahau Niue mo e Tau Aga Fakamotu ma e Tau Atuhau - will help encourage all Niue people to work together to sustain vagahau Niue and cultures for future generations.

Click on the link here and choose one activity to work through

Click on the slides and listen to a story or a song

Copy of 2022 Niue Language Week