Ernest Rutherford

W9: Trees, Seas and Soil

LI: Find proof in the text to support our answers

Does the author agree or disagree?

p.10 Explain what a “carbon sink” is

p.11 Why is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas?

What are atoms?

What does the author mean by “the number of carbon atoms is finite?”

p.12 Explain the carbon cycle

p.13 Breathing forests

When do plants absorb more carbon dioxide?

photosynthesis, biodiversity

What is one complicating factor?

p.14 Oceans of carbon

How is the ocean a carbon sink?

What is one complicating factor?

p.15 Buried Treasure

How is soil a carbon sink?

Explain decomposition

What does soil with lots of humus do?

What is one complicating factor?

p.16 What can we do to improve the carbon sinks?

p.17 What can we do to help?


Down the Drain.pdf

W8: Down the Drain

LI: use the text to support my answers

p.2-3 What is stormwater and where does it go?

What’s the difference between stormwater and wastewater?

p.4 Where did they place the littatraps? Was this a good idea? Explain your answer

p.5 Explain the process of what they did once they emptied the traps

Why do you think they did this for 12 weeks?

p.6 Why was everyone a bit shocked by the amount of stuff they collected?

Infer why there was more rubbish from the drain outside the cafes than there was outside the houses

Suggest what could be done to stop this from happening

p.7 Were the Drains to Sea plaques a good idea? Explain why or why not

p.8 What is one way to stop sending rubbish to our rivers and oceans?

One school has a garden on its roof, Explain pros and cons

W5: The Greatest Race on Earth

LI: use the text to support your answers

p.2-3 How did the Tour de France start?

What does it mean in English?

p.4-5 How far is 3500kms?

What’s one interesting fact about the course?

p.7 List facts about how long it takes

p.8-9 Who gets to wear the special yellow jersey?

Why is the jersey yellow?

p.10 How do the cyclists keep going?

Infer what it must be like for a racer


Followup: Contract glued in books

W3: Water

World’s Water running out

LI: use the text to support our answers

p.18 words to define: crisis, rationed,

How much of the planet is covered in water?

p.19 When/ how did the problem start?

List interesting facts about water

How did people take water for granted back then?

p.20 How is water more valuable than oil?

Followup: Facts about Water

Our Blue Planet

p.2-3 Explain evaporation/ condensation

p.4-5 children can do this at the end

p.6 The water cycle

Explain how the water cycle works

p.7 Why do we have water shortages?

Followup: Water cycle activity

W2: Nelson is kidnapped

LI: make inferences

p.2-3 List what happens during the rainy season

Infer why many elephant families walked a long way to get their share of the new grass

p.4-5 What did baby elephants like to play? Why was Nina’s job hard?

p.6-7 Infer why the elephants trapped him

What did the big elephants do to show they were “friendly?”

p.8-9 What happened when Nina tried to help Nelson?

Why couldn’t he escape?

What did Nina do to get help? Predict what might happen next

p.10-11 What happened to Nelson’s mother when she tried to rescue him?

Why would Nelson die if this strange family took him away?

p12-13 What was Nelson’s wise old grandmother’s plan to rescue Nelson? Do you think it will work? Why?/ Why not?

p.14-15 How did Nelson escape? What did Nelson’s family do to show they’d won the battle?

p.16 What was the lesson that Nelson had learned?

Nelson is Kidnapped