Term Two

Duffy Assembly Quiz

Week 9: Duffy Assembly Quiz

LI: Plan a quiz of questions for others

Click on the slides. Think carefully about a question to do with reading (literacy) and make a new slide. Write the question in and write in four options. One of the options must be the correct answer.

Week 7: Learner Led Inquiry

LI: Explore, wonder and learn about our Science Idea to do with the Earth

Click on the slides and edit your slide only. You need to write in your 6-8 questions. Check that they make sense. Answer them in your Inquiry books.

T2 Explore
Room 18 living things

Week 6: Living Things with Miss Fuapoivaha

LI: identify the impact of people, housing and farming to the environment

Click on the slides and make a copy and file it into your Inquiry folder

Week 3: Farming

LI: identify the impact of people, housing and farming to the environment

How has our community and environment changed due to people? Complete the slides here

NZ Music Month

Every year in the the month of May, Aotearoa/ New Zealand celebrate music. Our musicians and artists are all very talented too! Use the links to help you fill in the Alphabet Key.

Week 2: Being Kiwi

LI: List interesting facts about Aōtearoa/ New Zealand

Here is the text to help you with your activities throughout the week.

Being Kiwi