Sir Edmund Hillary

W9: Katiaki of the Stream

LI: find proof/ does the author agree or disagree?

p.8-9 Where is the Mangapōuri stream?

List all the things that were next to the stream

p.10-11 Why is the stream important?

List all the things Maori used the stream for

Why don’t adult tuna eat during the journey?

p.12-13 What did they do with the tuna when they were caught?

What’s happened to the stream?

p.14-15 What can we do to help the stream?


W8: The Night Walk

LI: Make inferences

p.2-3 Infer what it might have been like living in a small apartment

What’s a slumber party?

p.4-5 Why was Alice disappointed?

Why couldn’t Alice have a slumber party?

Suggest what Alice could do

p.6-7 What was grandma’s idea for Alice?

Do you think her friends will enjoy it? Why or why not?

p.8-9 Explain what nocturnal means

Why didn’t Alice know about her party?

p.10-11 Infer what Alice was feeling

List what animals they might see at the zoo

p.12-13 Infer how everyone may have been feeling



W5: Did you shake your tail feathers?

LI: Order the story

p.2-3 Why did Weka want to find the owner of the feather?

What kind of bird is Weka?

p.4-5 Why did Kahu want the feather?

p.6-7 Why did Pukeko want the feather?

p.8-9 What’s a burrow?

What did Kiwi want with the feather?

p.10-11 How were the birds feeling when they saw Kārearea? How do you know?

p.12 How did Kārearea know it was his feather?

p.14-15 Why did Kārearea spread his impressive wings?

p.16 Explain what you think might happen next

W2: Wheke

LI: find the sentence that best shows the picture

p.2-3 What was Martin doing at Beth’s laboratory?

Which sentence best shows the picture?

p.4-5 Explain why Martin was feeling nervous

Which sentence best shows the picture on page 4?

What did Beth invite Martin to do?

p.6-7 Do you think Martin should help feed the octopus? Why or why not?

p.8-9 What are two interesting facts about an octopus? Why is the marine reserve a safe place for Wheke?

p.10-11 Why did Beth invite Martin to snorkelling?

Which sentence best shows the picture on page 10?

p.12 Where was Wheke hiding?

Marine reserves?