Sir Apirana Ngata

W9: War on Weeds

LI: find proof in the text to support our answer (Does the author agree/ disagree?)

p.10-11 What’s wrong with weeds?

Why are weeds, weeds? How do they affect the land?

How did weeds get here?

p.12-13 How do people win the war against weeds?

Why is understanding weeds difficult?

What did Scientist Murray Dawson invite schools to do?

p.14-15 What did the children do when they found a weed?

What does the iNaturalist app tell them?

What does the database tell them?

Why did people from overseas like England bring plants here to NZ?

p.16 From the information gathered, what are Scientists using it for?



W8: World's Water Running Out

LI: use the text to support our answers

p.18 words to define: crisis, rationed,

How much of the planet is covered in water?

p.19 When/ how did the problem start?

List interesting facts about water

How did people take water for granted back then?

p.20 How is water more valuable than oil?


W5: The Thief

p.2-3 Why was Manu mad? Infer if he took Sophie’s treasure

What should Sophie have done?

Infer what epic means

p.4-5 Infer why the bird pecked at Manu’s shoelaces/ Explain how you know

p.6 Why had Manu changed his mind about the wood? Infer what he has discovered

Manu still doesn’t know what the treasure, given how Sophie treated him earlier, should he still help her?

p.8 Explain what hollow means

Why did Manu think they needed bait?

p.9 What does Sophie mean by “pins and needles?”

Where do you think she needed to go?

p.10 Why did the weka grab the spoon and run off?

p.11 What did Aunty Alex find? How did she know to follow the weka?

p.12 Infer why Sophie admitted she took mum’s ring

W2: Peter and the Wolf

LI: retell the story again in your own words

p.2-3 What does the author mean by “he longed to go into the meadow” mean?

Do you think grandfather was telling the truth? Explain

p.4-5 Predict what might happen next

p.6-7 What were the birds arguing about? Predict what might happen next

p.8-9 Infer why grandad was angry

p.10-11 Which sentence best shows the picture

p.12-13 Infer what Peter was trying to do/ How did he get up into the tree? Predict what might happen next

p.14-15 How did Peter trap the wolf? Predict what might happen next

p.16 What do you think the moral of the story is

Peter and the Wolf