Senior Connections

Making a difference in our community through touching the lives of those who utilize the senior center and food pantry.

President: Billy Maglione           Vice-President: Wesley Arees

Club Advisor: Ms. Swezey

Our Mission: 

-Fostering connections between the students of Weston High School and the members of the senior center and other aspects of the community.

How will this be achieved?

*Additionally, there will be a number of student government-sponsored events throughout the year.

Students will receive community service hours for their time spent

Weston Food Pantry:

Through Senior Connections' partnership with the Weston Food Pantry, members are given the ability to further support their community by helping provide the necessary materials to seniors and those in need. Any member supporting the food pantry will be rewarded with community service hours.

Meeting Times and Place: 

Each member must do 1 visit per month to the Weston Senior Center or the food pantry.