Where's Hamilton?

Made by: Dustin Williams

Welcome to the "Where's Hamilton" page. Do you like Where's Waldo? Well, it's similar, but not the same. Instead of Waldo, you have to find our one and only history teacher and "cOmMuNiSt sPy", Nicholas Hamilton. (P.S. don't take Hamilton government bois, he no spy.)

Special thanks to Hamilton for letting us use him for this and providing pictures and also Eljay for approving of my pictures and for sending me pictures.

N0 lAdDeRz aLoUd!

Now a word form not sponsors.

Not Sponsors 2.0

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wOw 2 oF tHe sAmE pIcTuReS. This shouldn't happen to much, uNlEsS I lIkE tHe pIcTuRE a LoT. Here is some button compensation though.

Now this is epic.

Epic and awesome videeeewoooaaaahs

SoMe nEw BuTtOnS