A Bitter Breath Inward . . . 

           Written by Eljay Hicks

for Shalyn, thanks for the idea!

            What is life? What is life but a gasp in a dark void? What is life but a cold chill, a warm feeling, a bitter breath inward? We ask ourselves what does life mean? What is the purpose of our existence? Are we the product of some great deity, meant for some kind of holy purpose we’ve yet to understand? Are we the byproduct of millions of years of small evolutionary changes, genetic accidents, and extinction level events that would lead to our genesis? Out of all the millions and millions of planets in this galaxy, of all the trillions and trillions of galaxies in the universe, why here and now? We’ve asked ourselves these questions since the first human looked at themselves and the stars and wondered why? Some of us find answers in literature, looking to books like the Bible and the Quran for the answer of what life is. Others look to the lectures of scientists and professors at universities for the answers to life. Some even find answers in the stars, looking up into that great infinite void and find answers. But when the world has so many answers, how can you tell which is the correct answer? You can’t. You can’t be sure which answer is correct. But if you can’t be sure of an answer, then what's the point of searching for one? Why continue to search for such an abstract answer that might not even exist? That itself is one of the many mysteries of life. If you came here looking for answers, I’m sorry to disappoint. However, don’t let that discourage you, while you may never find an answer to what life is, you might find the answer to something even greater.