Carnival in Brazil: The best party. 

Carnival is a period of popular festivities. Carnival festivities are adapted according to local history and culture. Brazil's Carnival is the country's biggest popular festival, forming part of its national identity.

Carnaval in Brazil 

What to do at Carnival? 

In general, people dance, eat and drink happily at parties, masquerade balls, costume balls, block parades, samba schools, electric trios and even on the street itself. 

In general, people dance, eat and drink happily at parties, masquerade balls, costume balls, block parades, samba schools, electric trios and even on the street itself. 

Hey, my name is Carol and I'm from Brazil, I'm an exchange student and I'mI here in Ohio right now. I will tell you about experiences that the best party can provide!! 

Well, the carnival