Ghost Stories

Do you like scary stories? Do you love the chills you receive from reading something spooky? Well, this is the page for you!

Feel free to write your own spooky story and summit it to Hanah Barnhart or Merissa Hughes

Have you seen this child?

Written by Anonymous

I thought it would be cool to go to the school after hours and get in; my ex-friend and I got in through one of the side doors that was popped open. I assume that someone popped it open or forgot about it because we walked around the building, and there was no one there. Not to mention that there were no cars in the parking lot. We had no bad intentions to do anything; however, we heard a clicking of heels in the art hallway so we hid around the corner at one of the gym doors and peeked. No one was there, but we could still hear the clicking of the heels. I don’t know why, but she wanted to follow the steps. I didn't want to, so I stayed why she followed. After a minute or so I got bored and took my phone out to read. I only got to read for a few moments before I heard her scream. I ran towards the scream which was in Forbes's hallway, and I saw a little girl. I assumed the little girl was one of the teachers' kids so I went up to her and asked her if she saw my friend. Her neck did a 180; the eyes where like an endless pit. I searched for eyes; I wanted to see eyes; I wanted it to be my brain playing tricks on me. Her mouth slowly opened, and it was as if her jaw kept opening. It seemed like her jaw was broken. She screamed. Her scream was like a loud police siren. I heard it echo in the other hallways. I couldn’t believe my eyes. You might be wondering why I would stay there,. Well, I was so scared I couldn’t move. I was telling myself to move; however, my body would not go. Then, I got this huge whiff of something horrible, like something that’ has been dead for a few weeks. That’s when I finally got myself to run. I bolted. I have back problems to the point it is painful when I run. However, when you're so scared, you don’t care. You forget about everything. I ran back out the doors that we broke into and found my ex-friend sitting there. She left me to deal with this demon or whatever it was and that’s why we are not friends anymore.

Caleb Thomas

Jon was panting because of the thing that was chasing him. He’s resting now only because he thinks he has lost it. The creature screeched louder than anything Jon has ever heard before. The creature is searching franticly through everything without hesitation. Then it found him… Jon looked at its face and the horror alone could kill someone. To Jon’s surprise it was a Brian Mustard (one of the most frightening things in existences). 

Joey Urbina

Once upon a time, Ms. Newman was on her way to her house when Joey stopped her to say, “Hi!” from the graveyard he was standing in. Curiously walking, the rest of the way she heard a mysterious screech that came from the grave yard. Frightened, she ran the rest of the way and locked all of her doors. Two hours passed when she heard a knock on her door. She slowly looked through the peep hole and saw nothing. She opened the door to a little kid yelling, “Trick or Treat”. She gave the kid some candy. Behind the kid came Jason with Joey's head filled with candy creepily saying, “Trick or Treat!”. 

Never to be continued….

Ethan Ward

It was dead silent in the house, but she didn’t realize it until she turned off the water. Only one sound persisted... Drip, drip, dip. She thought nothing of it, as it could easily be the bathroom. As she went to the kitchen for a snack, the sound once again echoed through the house… Drip, drip, drip. Crimson stains on the tile made her realize- the noise was not coming from the water. A black figure stood before her holding a silver blade. 

Alyssa Marhoover

We were headed to vacation in Cuba and had to take a flight down there. I didn’t like the idea of flying but my Mother confronted me saying, “The pilot is very experiences, it’ll be okay.” Eventually, we boarded and it was time to take off. The turbulence wasn’t bad at the beginning but it was awful midflight. That’s when I knew something wasn’t right, the pilot cam on the intercom and preceded to say, “Ladies and Gentleman, we are experiencing a brief problem, if you please fasten your… 

Paige Davis 

We walked into a haunted house. It was so scaring because of all the cackles and children screaming in the walls. We made a turn at the end of the hallway. I dropped my phone and picked it up. Then when I came back up everyone was gone. Next thing that happened is I felt someone touch me and sweep me into the bloody walls….

Abigail Gast

There was once a little girl who saw a ghost in her house. Only she saw the ghost. She told her parents but they told her not to make things up and not to worry about it. The ghost told the little girl that she was going to kill her family and her if she ever tried to leave their house and so her parents began to believe that there was a ghost and the little girl tried to tell her parents that they can’t leave and so her parents left her all alone in that house so her parents died right in front of her own eyes and the little raised herself in her house all alone. 

Wyatt Grooms

The last man on Earth was sleeping. No sounds to be heard. Not even crickets. Until he heard a knock on the door. He woke up in shock. 

Merissa Hughes

I heard the noises loud outside my door, laughing. My mom was on her way home from work, alone. I heard the door unlock. My mom texted, “On my way home”. 

Abigale Knisley

I can’t move, breathe, speak, or hear and its so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead. 

Morgan Whitley

I walked into the kitchen to find my mom. It was a sunny day and we were both bored out of our minds. “Hey, mom, can we go somewhere?”. I thought, “Sure, where would you like to go?”. I thought and I thought, “How about McDonalds?”. “Sweetie, I hate to tell you this…but they closed all McDonalds….forever. 

Ariel Hefner

I was awake except I wasn’t. I heard of sleep paralysis but I’ve never experienced it before. I moved my eyes to the corner of my room. It was dark but something was forming. It was slow at first but then it started getting closer. It seemed to be my worst nightmare. I couldn’t move then it grabbed my legs. Its hands felt ice cold. It started climbing , getting closer and closer. I was so scared, I wanted to scream, or run, or do something and then it got face to face with me. Then I realized my worst fear was me. I smiled evilly at myself. They got closer and closer at me and