Quiz Bowl

To Join or Not to Join…

Quiz Bowl

written by Jordan Theobald

Quiz Bowl is a great way to learn a lot of facts about the world. It has many positive aspects to it which can help you learn and grow in school. One thing that you do in Quiz Bowl is learn about multiple categories such as spelling, literature, science, history, and general knowledge. It can improve your knowledge in all these subjects.

There are multiple other reasons you should join. It can be fun, and learning new stuff isn't really easy, but you'd be amazed at how much you find out. Like sports, Quiz Bowl will test your reflexes because you need to be fast to get to the buzzer. It will test your knowledge, and thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to go out and share what you have learned at home. Better yet, if you are in junior high, you will have one of the best coaches ever, Mrs. Lawson.