Slow down and enjoy your last year! Participate in all of the things, home games, homecoming, prom! I know you all have senioritis but come to school! Enjoy these times with your friends because in less than a year you most likely will not see them again. Take time to figure out what you want to do in life. Something you will enjoy. Have goals for yourself and see to it that you achieve them! Not everyone is cut out for college, but still have some sort of plan. Also, you do not owe anyone an explanation. If you are not comfortable or don't want to do something, just say no! I have spent my life as a major people pleaser. I am now 30 and realize you are not responsible for anybody's happiness but your own.  - Sara Hunt 

Make the most of your last year in high school. Everyday counts because it's your last days. Study hard but remember to have fun. It's important to set goals before graduation whether you choose to go into the military, college or work in a trade job. Remember students, the sky is the limit. Go out and travel the country or across the world. There's so much out there to see and do. Even after graduation, life still has its learning experiences. If there's one thing in our lives that's priceless, it's time. It goes by so quickly and we never get it back. So whatever path you choose, make it a great one and always be adventurous. You will never be too old to follow your dreams. Many of us adults have made career changes later in our lives. I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Have fun, study hard, and always be yourself. Treat others with kindness because it matters most in the world - Melissa Kirschner 

"I Didn't Come This Far To Only Come This Far" I have used this video lately quite often lately. The words hit home to me, and I hope they make sense to all the seniors. If you reach your goal, set another goal. If you get to the top of the mountain, find a bigger mountain..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D53m7CJ7wYI&ab_channel=TeamFearless You came this far so you could be stronger to go further!!! Dr. J.R. Roush- Western Principal

Don’t worry if you don’t have it all figured out. Don’t stress if your plans get delayed or even fall apart right after high school. There isn’t some crazy life race where you have to have all of adulthood figured by a certain time. Make plans, but also plan on changing your plans later. It’s also totally okay to figure it out as you go, as long as you don’t give up and keep trying to move forward. - Dan Hood 

My advice to the Senior class is to cherish this year as much as you can. I know you are all excited to graduate and be done with high school forever! I was there once too! Make sure to take the time to make memories and cherish the time you have as a Senior this year. You are the "leaders" of the school and everyone is looking up to you. Own that role with pride and be a good example! You also think you will not miss it, but one day you will look back and wish you could go back for just one day to see old friends and teachers that you miss. You will miss the care free days of being a "Kid." Take the risk, join the club, play the sport, forgive the friend you're mad at, and just have a great SENIOR year! If you want it bad enough , you can achieve anything you set your mind to!  -Carolyn Wessel

Relax, try to look at all your options before making decisions. Fill out as many scholarship applications as possible- you may only get one, but that will help you! Be kind to everyone- your classmates, teachers, family. If you're struggling ask for help. We (the staff at Western) want to help you! Work hard, come to school/show up for work every day. Try to get as much "free" training & certifications as possible. Love you all!  - Mrs. Schuler

Advice that I would give to seniors is to start investing into some sort of retirement fund as soon as you obtain a job. This is something that I didn't even think about when I was your age. When you are in your 20's you have the mindset that retirement is so far away that you will worry about that later in life. In your 30's and 40's, you really don't have the extra money to invest into retirement. All of your money is needed for your family and bills. But, it you have already set aside money on a regular basis, it would be a part of your budget. Then all of a sudden your are now in your 50's and so close to retirement. If you haven't had a retirement plan, you will not be prepared to retire and to be able to sit back, take it easy and enjoy your family more. Maintaining a good budget is so important. My advice would be to try to have a retirement fund to make those years more comfortable financially.  -Carla Bland

Life has many obstacles. Go over or around them! Never stop striving to reach your goals! -Mr. Runions

Stay diligent and be patient at the same time. Sometimes you will have to endure failures and disappointment. Your persistence will most likely pay off, even if you do not achieve success in the given task. Unintended results do happen and sometimes lead to the discovery of hidden talents. - Trent Harrop 

1. Find something that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy your work you will be happy. 2. Fail Often! Don't be afraid to learn from your wins and your losses. When you become comfortable or numb, you are a robot! Strive for excellence in your field! 3. Be willing to hand out respect where ever you go. The more you hand out, the more you will receive in return! 4. There are no short cuts. If you are rich and you stop working you will lose it. If you are poor and you work hard, you will move up the ladder! 5. Own it! God has more important things to do then worry about your every move. He has your back if you choose him, but you have to make your own choices in your day to day life. How you respond to those choices will be so very important. 6. Dude, be Nice! People enjoy positive people. They respond to kindness. Complainers are like the flu! They should shelter in place until they are ready to be positive. When they come out into the world with complaints and whining everyone around them feels worse! 7. Recognize the people who are here for you. The ones that care for you, take time out of their schedule for you. Celebrate them every chance you get. The one thing we can't control is time! They won't be around forever. And when they are gone, Honor them, Celebrate them... "Our Legacy is All We Leave Behind". - Doug Williams

Your journey is yours to celebrate, big or small. Every step you take, regardless of its size, takes you forward. Never underestimate the significance of what may seem small to others—it could mean the world to you. Celebrate all your accomplishments and keep pushing towards your dreams! Not everyone has the same journey and you are allowed to change your mind a thousand times. - Taylor Lambert 

Find a job that makes you happy, and travel as much as you can. See the world and learn from it. Find a partner with similar values and beliefs and be friends before you get married. It’s miserable to be married to someone you don’t like and have nothing in common. - Mrs. Runions

Know the difference between asking for advice and asking for permission. Also, know when to do each. Don't seek permission when all you really need is advice. -Holbrook

Enjoy this time of your lives. Take care of what needs to be done to move forward with your life. Changes will happen, there are no guarantees in life. Make the most of the opportunities you are given. As always, live one day at a time. Don't dwell on the past and don't rely on the future. Best of luck to you all and God Bless. -McFarland

If you don't know what you want to do, get a job or take classes in subjects you are interested in. Find a career that you enjoy working at every day since you will do this around 30 years. Having a job with retirement and insurance means everything, sometimes even more than the salary. - Jenny penn 

Unfortunately life is full of uncertainties and sometimes regrets. There are a lot of things we can't control but there is one thing we can ALWAYS control - the way we treat other people. You'll have regrets but treating others the way you want to be treated won't be one of them. Treat others good even when they don't deserve it!! -Mr.Brewster

Be sure to choose a job/career that you will enjoy. You will be spending the majority of your adult life doing the job/career that you choose. -Carol Mohr

I was a senior in this very high school 8 years ago...you guys were elementary kids then. Most likely more than excited when you saw high school kids on your buses or at assemblies. They were the "big kids" that you watched so intently waiting for it to be your turn. You couldn't wait to get to junior high and then become a freshman. You've probably always said that you can't wait for SENIOR YEAR! You've watched class after class graduate and leave and now you're excited that it's your turn. Am I hitting the nail on the head with that assumption? If so, slow down... realize that now you ARE those big kids that little eyes watch. Give them something to look up to and model after. Cliche, I know, but it's honest. Take your time this year. Graduation is coming and it won't leave without you so make the memories now. Take the pictures. Try something new. Make friends with the kid that doesn't have many. Set goals for yourself to reach but remember to leave time to goof off occasionally, it's good for the soul. The person that you become when you leave here will look back and judge what the you of right now is doing. Make sure they can be proud of what you did, what you said, and how you carried yourself in both times of joy and adversity. I could keep going for a while in all honesty, but I will leave you all with this... Go into this world and do well, but most importantly, go into this world and do good. - Chrissy Thompson

1) Hard work will take you far. It really stands out in the workforce 2) However don't let work consume your life. Your family is more important 3) The good times are not over. Just new and exciting times are beginning -Mrs. Littleton