Student Outreach Project

  1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
  5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
  6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
  7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


In the beginning of our planning process, Boss, Gaeun, and I had to establish which organizations could we reach out too and how. We had to research a lot in order to find organizations that would want our help and in which we would able to contribute as well to make an impact. After contacting several organizations, we found a couple organizations that were willing to cooperate which a bunch of kids who wanted to make a difference. After that, it was time to break down those into different trips across the year and plan them out.


The preparation process was a couple month long process and it probably took us 2 months to find the organizations first. After we had found them, planning the trip as well took us around a month. We had to find people who were wiling to come to the trips, find transportation, organize food, and also ensure the safety of the people attending. We researched the nearest restaurants where everyone could find food and the most suitable transportation as well. In the end, we found around 15 people who wanted to come outside of Bangkok to attend these trips. Furthermore, two of those students offered their vehicles as means of transportation as well so we were able to secure that as well. Then, we confirmed with the organizations about our specific timings and activities so we could come up with the most suitable plan that benefits all parties involved.


The Student Outreach Project's first trip was to Huahin Mercy House Center. There we volunteered to teach the children and play sports with them as well. The supervising adults there told us that the children liked it when others played with them so we split into groups, one would teach them and do arts and crafts while the others would play sports and game with them. The second trip was to Rescue Paws where we got the chance to take care of puppies. Everyone got one puppy they took care of and most of them had skin diseases which causes a lot of problems. We donated supplies to treat those skin diseases as well. The third trip organized was a volunteering trip to Ayutthaya where we helped construct a school. There as well we were broken into two groups : one group helped build a garden by using bamboo sticks and the other group who scraped the paint off walls and then repainted the walls.


It was a new experience for me since there were many aspects to this project. I developed leadership skills since the trips required us to take responsibility of anything that could happen and ensure the security and safety of them. We also had to take initiative and reach out to several organizations. We dealt with failure when some organizations didn't want to collaborate with us since we were so young but in the end, we were able to make the trips happen. It was very enjoyable.


These trips taught me a lot of things. In the PAWS trip, I learnt how to take care of puppies and held one for the first time. In the Mercy House and Ayutthaya trips, I learnt how difficult life is for people who aren't as privileged as us. Not only that, but trips have also developed many skills. I developed my leadership skills due to leading the club and organizing these trips. I become responsible since I had to take care of 12 other kids as well in every trip. I also learnt to deal with failure and not give up, which in the end lead these trips to become successful.