Hong Kong Trip (A + C)

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

This summer break, I took a trip to Hong Kong alone for a summer program and to explore the city. Excluding the summer program, it was terrifying for me to be in a country I had never been in before all alone. There I learnt how to survive alone without my parents' help and was able to interact with random strangers and made friends. Being in a new place all by yourself is a challenge, one I was looking forward to because it helped me prepare for how life would be when I go to university. I had been planning this trip for months in advance since my summer program required to submit a lot of work. But exploring Hong Kong separately was something I also planned a but as well. I wanted to experience the most of my short trip which involved a lot of walking and climbing around the streets of Hong Kong. I visited a lot of famous places like the peak, the Soho area in central, TST area, and also the astonishingly huge malls. Overall, I enjoyed my trip and the challenge of being alone in the new place made it even more memorable.