Teaching Classmates Calculus (C)

Approved by Mr. Henry

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Before performing this activity, I was slightly nervous that I would be incapable to make my classmates understand Product, Quotient, and Chain Rule. I thought I'd face problems such as not making my fellow classmates learn this thoroughly and not being able to teach them at all. But, I knew I had to be positive and confident in myself and believe that I can help my friend out and make Calculus easier for them. The outcomes I expected were that my classmates would actually understand all the rules and to make it easier for them to solve problems involving them.

Before the teaching activity, we, the group that would teach Calculus, created a presentation with examples and formulas so it would be easier for our classmates to understand. We had to be open-minded for all the students as everyone learns differently, During the activity, we split and taught 3 classmates each and were given a whiteboard and markers to make the teaching process even more realistic. At first, I struggled to make my friends understand but slowly I got the hang of teaching and enjoyed it. I had to constantly be an inquirer, ask if my "students" if they followed along and be a thinker if they asked me questions. I remembered to be patient and understanding since those are the most valuable qualities a teacher possesses. I had to be caring, since my friends hadn't learnt calculus before, unlike me. I had to be a communicator and knowledgeable as I was a teacher in this activity. It was memorable and a quite enjoyed helping my friends with something that I could help with, it made me really happy when they got a question right. I felt proud and accomplished. It was really helpful because I got to see what my teachers go through with and how hard they have to work to make us, their students, understand something from scratch. Through this activity, I achieved the goal of making my classmates learn the rules and I also achieved a sense of pride for teaching something important to someone properly. It was a really important experience. I undertook new challenges such as teaching. I planned out the activity by making presentations and initiated the activity by teaching my classmates. I also worked collaboratively with others as I was sharing knowledge. If there was a next time, I would be more prepared and ready.