Huahin Mercy House Volunteer Trip (A & S)

Mercy House

Our Huahin Trip Video

Photographers : Kong, Fuka, Devanshi, Soohee

24th October, 2017

Trip Organized by Gaeun Min, Devanshi Mehta, and Boss

HuaHin 2017 CAS Trip Auto Saved.mp4

2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

This trip to Huahin was organized by Gaeun, Boss, and I, and I had never done anything like taking a group of people out to do some service for the world. Some challenges I faced was leading my team and coming up of ways we could help out the orphanage. Contacting Mercy House was the toughest since they didn't have any e-mails so it was all done through several calls. Collaborating with others definitely helped since we came up with unique games which would help the children learn and have fun at the same time. We played charades, indirectly educating them about animals in english. We also played volleyball and capture the flag with them. It was an amazing feeling to see the smile and adoration on their faces when we played with them. In my opinion, that was the best part of this.