Greenhawks (C + S)

Learning Outcomes :

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

4. Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

I've been in Greenhawks since grade 7 and I really enjoy being in this club. Greenhawks always had projects to help the world become a greener and environmental friendly place. After 4 years of being in this club, I was elected to lead it. In greenhawks, we collect recyclable materials, such as plastic bottles and paper, and sort them out. Then we give the plastic bottles the paper away so they can be reusable. This is done by keeping a designated box for each teacher, so we can recycle the maximum amount of items. As a leader, I have faced several challenges. My co-leaders and I designed an effective plan to make it convenient for all teachers to recycle and also planned other events outside of school, such as paper rangers. We also collaborated with NIST in order to sell bamboo laos straws in order to reduce the amount of plastic straw wastage. These straws were first introduced to Wells in International day where we raised awareness about the current global issues, encouraged people to plant seeds and buy the bamboo straws. Up until now, we have made tremendous progress and hope to engage all members as much as we can.