VU Canvas Café

Welcome at VU Canvas Café!

Do you want to get inspired to get more out of Canvas in just fifteen minutes? Have you been wondering how to use Peer Review, Rubrics or Modules, but couldn't find the time to figure it out? Come to Canvas Café or take a look at the Knowledge Clips you can find on this website!

What is Canvas Café?

Get practical Canvas tips and get inspired. Meet your colleagues at VU Canvas Café: the coffee-with-cookies-café where you can leave the room after 15 minutes with new inspiration for your course. Canvas Café is theme-based; each Canvas Café has a different but specific theme. Every F2F session or Knowledge Clip discusses a different functionality of Canvas. In just 15 minutes you will be ready to use a new feature in your course!

Dates and themes can be found on the website. Currently there are no face to face sessions, but check out the knowledge clips or the presentations and get to know that feature you needed!

Stay tuned!

For more information on dates, topics and faculties, please keep an eye on this website.

Do you have a suggestion for a Canvas Café Topic? Please send an email to . We will try to make you happy:)

Thank you,

The Canvas Café team