Make your Canvas course as readable as possible

Use tables to structure information

Using tables in Canvas makes data and information accessible to people who use screen readers. Tables display pieces of information that have some sort of relationship or pattern. For example, a list of dates, times, and rooms that all classes of the course will be. By adding a table for this sort of information you make your Canvas course look clean and organised.

How to add a table in Canvas?

You can add a table to your Canvas page when you are in edit mode. Choose Insert > Table. You can now select how many cells you wish your table to be. See image below. 

It's also more accessible when you add a caption to your table. This way you can name your table so students know exactly what the table is about. To add a caption to your table, choose Table > Table properties. Select the 'Show Caption' option to be able to add a caption to the table. A row will be added to the top of your table where you can add the caption. See image below. 

Always add a header to a table. By adding headers to your tables, you will improve how your students navigate tables, especially if they use a screen reader. Marking a table header row or column tells screen reader users how to read the table. They can navigate table cells and hear which column they are currently in. This turns random data into meaningful data. 

To highlight the first row of your table by adding a header, go to Table > Row > Row properties > Row type > Header. You can do the same for a column instead. See image below. You can also add headers to tables by using the Accessibility Checker.  

Lastly, it's recommended to not leave any cells blank or to merge cells. This is difficult to navigate for students who use screen readers.