Make your Canvas course as readable as possible

Use headings

A heading is a short phrase describing what the succeeding section is all about. You can think of it as the title of that particular section. Headings help structure your text so it's easier to read and find important information quicker. This is useful for every student. But for students who rely on a screen reader because they are blind or have a visual impairment, it's important to use the actual "Headings" function to create headings. If you make your own, for example  by making text bold, highlighted or a bigger font, screen readers will not pick up on this. Also make sure to use the proper heading hierarchy (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.) to organise content. This way, screen readers can easily jump from section to section and the students know what sections belong together. Make sure to name your headings logically, so students have a good idea what to expect to find in the following section. 

How to create Headings?

There are two ways to create headings in Canvas. Both ways you can find when you are in the edit mode of a Canvas page. 

Why are headings important for accessibility?

Overall, the use of headings improves the user experience for screen reader users, facilitating navigation, comprehension, and efficient access to information. By structuring content with headings, you create a more inclusive and accessible experience for individuals who rely on screen readers to access digital content.